- aquacentres
- theatres
- galleries and museums
- castles/chateaux
- cinemas
- churches and cemeteries
- railway stations
- parking houses
- schools
The segment of public buildings is the largest in terms of the variety of luminaires. Public buildings are not only beautiful theatres or breathtaking galleries and museums, but also schools, railway stations, castles and water parks, churches and cemeteries. Public facilities do not only include the beautiful and the design, but also other spaces such as corridors, lobbies, garages, escape routes, etc. must be given specific consideration in the design of lighting solutions. Often neglected, yet a very important part of this segment is also outdoor lighting.
Due to our wide portfolio of luminaires, we are able to satisfy any lighting system requirement. For galleries and museums, it is as important what I shine on as what I shine with. It's not so much about the design as it is about the lighting technical parameters, which are absolutely crucial for the correct illumination of exhibits. Theatres and cinemas, on the other hand, require knowledge of the specific standards for these cultural facilities, and being able to design both artificial and emergency lighting in accordance with these standards already requires considerable professionalism and experience.